Sunday, December 14, 2008

A weekend of many firsts....

This weekend was filled with many "firsts" for Harris.

Friday night was Harris' first NBA basketball game. Our friends (yes, we do have some) got 4 free tickets to the game. This also included free parking, dinner, and concessions throughout the night. Needless to say, Clay tucked an extra Snickers and Twix away in the diaper bag to take home. Harris was a little afraid of the cheering and loud music initially, but soon settled down. The game was great. It went into double overtime, but the Blazers wound up losing. :( Another highlight of the game was watching a drunk guy who happened to be sitting near us attempt to dance. I wish we had some video of his moves! Maybe we will see him on the next season of So You Think You Can Dance. A random woman sitting behind us offered to hold Harris so I could eat my slice of pizza. She was also sure to say she really didn't mind doing it. NO WAY LADY! I am not going to hand off my baby to a complete stranger! We had a great time.

Saturday night was our 2nd Annual Ugly Sweater Christmas Party. It too was a blast! Clay wore a lovely Christmas themed sweater vest that he found in a co-workers trash can. That lets you know just how nice it was! My sweater had a Vegas theme with beaded playing cards on the front. I will post a picture as soon as we get some of them!

Then on Sunday it started snowing shortly after we woke up. It is still snowing right now! It is crazy for a couple of peeps from Texas. Harris is a little to young to actually play in the snow, but it has made for a nice, lazy day at home. Now I am just keeping my fingers crossed that it keeps up and is too icy for Clay to get to work tomorrow.

1 comment:

the higgins family said...

i am not ashamed to admit that i have handed wil off to many a stranger...but not to eat.

also...NEED to know what the sweater party is all about. i might have to start something like that of my own!